Filter the treatment plans

You can filter your treatment plan list based on the type of patient or treatment plan using predefined filters.

To filter the treatment plans, follow these steps:
  1. Click the Filters menu to display the filter options.
  2. Select the filters that apply. Depending on your site's configuration, you may not see all of the filters.
    Choose this filter...To...
    Show All Clinical Trial Treatment Plans Show only clinical trial treatment plans.
    Show Patients that may meet guidelines for palliative care Show only treatment plans for patients who meet our guidelines for palliative care.
    Show All Preferred Treatment Plans Show only treatment plans that your health plan flagged as preferred.
    Show All Treatment Plans with Payer Configured Drugs Show only treatment plans that contain drugs that your health plan configured.
    Show All Treatment Plans with Pharmacy Benefit Drugs Show only treatment plans that contain drugs that your health plan flagged as pharmacy benefit drugs. Some health plans process and track these treatment plans differently than treatment plans without pharmacy drugs.
    Show All Treatment Plans where the Treatment Start Date is Prior to the Patient's Eligibility Date Show only treatment plans that began before the patient was eligible.
  3. Click Search.

    The dashboard displays the treatment plans that meet your selected criteria.

  4. Click Clear All to clear all filters.