Register for Eviti Connect for Oncology

To register for Eviti Connect for Oncology, you need your facility's federal tax identifier (TIN) and business name, and the provider's individual NPI number. If you're part of a practice, you need the NPIs for all the providers in your practice. NPIs must belong to a medical oncologist or a radiation oncologist.

Users who enter the same NPIs and tax IDs can view each other's treatment plans.

To register for Eviti Connect for Oncology, follow these steps:
  1. Go to Eviti Connect for Oncology.

    The following screen appears:

  2. On the left side of the screen, click Register.
  3. On the next screen, click Start Eviti Registration.
  4. Fill in the requested information on all four screens. Click Continue after you complete each screen.
    1. User Registration (Step 1 of 4): Provide your email address and create a password.
    2. User Registration (Step 2 of 4): Choose two questions from the Security Question menus and provide your answers. Your answers to these questions will help you access your account if you forget your password.
    3. User Registration (Step 3 of 4): Choose your account type. Choose whether you're a doctor, part of a doctor's administrative team, or a clinical staff member at a doctor's practice.
    4. User Registration (Step 4 of 4): Provide your contact information and IDs. If you choose I am a doctor, we display your contact information after you type your NPI. Enter individual NPI numbers; do not enter group NPI numbers. To enter multiple tax IDs or NPIs, enter each one, one at a time, and then click Add.

    When you add an NPI, you must choose whether the NPI is for a medical oncologist (for chemotherapy) or a radiation oncologist. If they are a specialist who prescribes both types of cancer treatments, for example, a urologist, you must choose one NPI type during registration. To change the value later, contact NantHealth Support at 1-888-482-8057.

  5. Click Complete.

    The Registration Complete screen appears. Click Click Here to Login to Eviti to enter a treatment plan.